MAIN STAGE [Macdonald Street--North of Main]

10-10:30 AM---Presentation by Jeremy Rosen, Artistic Director, Austin Bike Zoo

10:30-11 AM---Presentation by Annie Hickman, Costume Artist and Performer, Weaving the Wild

12-12:45 PM---Live Painting by Taylor Jensen accompanied by music from Talisha Royer of Electrisad

1-1:30 PM---Fashion Show by WATwWAT @ The Collaboratory, accompanied by music from DJ Ian Smooth

2-2:45 P---Live painting by Meghan Mitchell accompanied by music from Tim Webster

3-3:45 PM---Music by Roman Buffalo and the Loyal Order

4-4:45 PM---Music by the Brothers Cosmos

5-5:45 PM---Live Painting by Meghan Mitchell accompanied by music from Eric Vail

6-6:30 PM---Fashion Show by WATwWAT @ The Collaboratory, accompanied by music from DJ Funisher

OneOhOne Gallery [Corner of Macdonald/Main]

10-10:45 AM---Photomaking Workshop by Photomakers Cynthia Cooper, and Gary Johnson, AZ Highways


11AM-1 PM---[Front Gallery]  Eric Ose, Robot Ambassador - Paper Electronics; make fun creative paper 

     projects that light up!

11-11:45 AM---Basics of Sonci Flute-making by Lennie Henderson

12-12:45 PM---"How to make a travel journal" by Stephanie Liebold, Travelcraftjournal.com

1-3 PM---5 Tibetan Singing Bowl Robots, Garth Paine

3-4:45 PM---"The Body's Secret Code," by Erik Rolf

3-5 PM---[Front Gallery]  Eric Ose, Robot Ambassador - Paper Electronics; make fun creative paper

      projects that light up!

5-5:45 PM---Photomaking Workshop by Photomakers Cynthia Cooper, and Gary Johnson, AZ Highways


Arizona Museum of Natural History [Enter @ Macdonald & 1st St.]

11-11:45 AM---"The Magic of Creativity" by Ernie Carwile

12-12:45 PM---"So You Want to Write a Book" by Ernie Carwile

1-1:45 PM---Presentation by Owen Bush of Glowing Pictures, Visual Performance Artist

2-2:30 PM---"Making Food from your Mesquite Trees" by Jean Goen, Master Gardener, The University of

     Arizona Cooperative Extension

2:30-3 PM---"So You Want to Start a Community Garden: Making Community to Grow a Garden"

     by Eileen Kane, Master Gardener, The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

3-3:30 PM---"Like Comedy, It's About the Timing: Making a Culinary Herb Garden in the Low Desert,"

     by Eileen Kane, Arizona Herb Association

4-5 PM---Presentation about Her Work and How She Makes It, Karolina Sobecka, Interactive Digita

     Projection Artist

HeatSync Labs [Between Robson and Macdonald on Main]

2-3 PM---Introduction to 3D Printing, by Hans McMurdy, Gangplank

3-4 PM---Joey Hudy, meet and greet, soldering workshop

HeatSync Labs is AZ's first hackerspace, a non-profit community organization and workspace that

welcomes all!

OPEN HOUSE and hands-on activities from 3-7 PM

Community Making Projects

THE COLLABORATORY EXHIBIT [Macdonald, North of Main]

10 AM & 3 PM---Sewing Workshop, Hands-on

11 AM & 4 PM---Glass Mosaic Demonstration, Hands-on

12 PM & 5 PM---Welding & Plasma, Hands-on---Community art-making, with each person welding a steel

     plate to an unfolding sculpture that will be created by visitors throughout the day

1 PM & 6 PM---Fashion Show by WATwWAY @ The Main Stage


Throughout the day, Arbitrary Arts, an art collaborative, will lead a community painting project in which

visitors can contribute to the piece.